
on sale是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

on sale

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adj.available,for sale,on offer,going for a song,reduced

adv.on the market,purchasable,obtainable



na.1.available for people to buy2.available for people to buy at a price that is less than the usual price. The British expression is on offer

1.出售 have a look 看一看;看一眼 on sale 廉价出售;出售 sorry adj. 抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的 ...

2.廉价出售 have a look 看一看;看一眼 on sale 廉价出售;出售 sorry adj. 抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的 ...

3.减价 for the sake of 为了,为了…的利益 on sale 上市的;减价;贱卖 all the same 仍然,照样地 ...

4.上市 receipt 收据; on sale 出售,上市; sell out 售完; ...

5.打折 adapt 收养 on sale 打折(美),在热卖中(英) for sale 打折 ...

6.大减价 on watch( 监视,观察), on sale( 出售;大减价), on earth( 到底,究竟), ...

7.特价 鞋子 shoes 特价 on sale 包品 bags ...

8.待售 对……可得到的 be available to sb 21. 出售,待售 on sale 22. 打折扣 at a discount 23. ...


1.Sony said the NGP will not go on sale until around the year-end and declined to give pricing details.索尼称大约今年年底附近才能发售NGP,且拒绝提供设备定价细节。

2.' The researchers were unable to determine whether the drugs on sale were 'genuine, inactive, out of date or adulterated, ' they wrote.研究人员写道:他们无法确定销售的药品是真的、还是无效的、过期的、或是以次充好的。

3.But neither product is expected to go on sale until November, giving Microsoft's Xbox 360 a year's lead that could prove unassailable.但是,预计这两款产品都要到今年11月份才能上市销售,因此微软的Xbox360将获得1年的领先优势,这一优势可能将被证明是无法赶超的。

4.Enquire about other homes in your area that have been put up on sale and find out how much those owners are paying their agents.贵院查询其他地区已经张贴发售找出那些多少业主缴纳其代理人。

5.Perhaps both milk and bread would be on sale, I thought. And what if I only got milk alone, or just the bread? Well, it would have to do.也许,牛奶和面包都有卖的,但我可能只能买到其中一种…不管了,只有这样了。

6.People never know how much money they're going to make in the first month when their product goes on sale.没人能知道产品第一个月能卖多少银子。

7.Two months after Steve Jobs introduced the iPad, and a week before it went on sale, Fujitsu handed the trademark over to Apple.在乔布期介绍iPad后的2个月,同时在其销售前的一周,富士通将商标交给了苹果。

8.The kind of giving that provides real value does not go on sale at the end of the year.这种付出产生了实际的价值,这种价值在年总岁末之际都不会上市。

9.How much are these things? The yellow shorts are on sale for $15.这些东西多少钱?黄色短裤廉价出售,卖15美元。

10.How much could you buy secondhand instead of new or on sale?你能买多少二手货而非新的或打折的呢?